Brendstrup Nedergård

The historic Brendstrup Nedergård and the surrounding areas, approx. 18 hectares, are owned and operated by ALFA Development. The area has great landscape values and plays an important role with regards to biodiversity and climate adaptation of the development area of Marienlyst.
8200 Aarhus N, Municipality of Aarhus
Task type
Nature conservation, reforestation, biodiversity, rainwater management and co2 reduction
Land area
180,000 m2 + 120,000 m2 on options
Ph.D. Boris Brorman Jensen, Architect Ph.D. Katrina Wiberg, Reiulf Ramstad Architect, NIRAS
Sustainability goals
Enhanced biodiversity, management of heavy rainfall and CO2 reduction to fulfill Aarhus Municipality's 2030 goal

ALFA Development owns Brendstrup Nedergård with land, climate area and three leases. The plot is adjacent to the new nature district Marienlyst, but is not part of the urban development. The area will be used for reforestation, rainwater management and climate adaptation and, not least as a green space for wild nature.

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