
Strantårnet set fra gaden

Situated right in front of Amager beach, Strandtårnet reaches towards the sky: These homes enjoy the fresh breeze from Øresund and the proximity of the vibrant capital.


Altaner og beplantning i Strandstrædet

Dynamic city life and a quiet beach surround Strandstrædet, where a beautiful, shared roof terrace invites you to socialise and enjoy the view.


Rækkehuse på Strandstien

With Copenhagen’s coveted beach in the ‘backyard’, Strandstien is located in a lovely area.


Strandkanten set udefra

Situated just across from Amager beach, Strandkanten marks the transition between the city and the sea.


Indgangsparti og grønt område i Øresundsrækkerne

Close to Amager beach is Øresundsrækkerne: 17 terraced houses with roof terraces, situated where nature and city merge.


Nærbillede af Nordtårnet

Close to Amager beach, Nordtårnet rises 15 floors and affords extraordinary views.

Amager Strandpark

Person går tur i naturskønt område foran Strandkanten

Amager Strandpark is an attractive new development including residential units as well as commercial and retail premises stretching along the beachfront between Copenhagen Airport and central Copenhagen.


ALFA Development owns the beautiful property from 1927 and 2003 situated in Sydhavnsgade 16.


blå himmel over Strandgården

Inspired by a large catamaran, Strandgården is developed as a reference to the surrounding environment with the sea and beach as a natural extension.

Olea Take Away

Olea take away_2

Olea Take Away is located in IrmaByen next to Børge Olsens Plads and is part of the Olea Kitchen and Bar restaurant.